Moving is hard.

Well we have officially hit 10 weeks out. The passport is mailed, the website is coming along, and I have only had a few minor freak outs about moving to the other side of the world but I am so excited! There are a lot of emotions actually, but they all stem from the uncertainty and unpredictability of change.
If I wasn't a Christian, I don't think I would actually go through with this because it is such a large gamble of risk vs reward. Could any perceived happiness or good deed break even with the risk that everything that could go wrong and the hassle of moving and adjusting to an entirely new culture? I would say probably not.
But living as a Christian, even if every single thing went wrong, I still have faith and assurance that it is all working towards God's will. I trust that his will is better than my will and following His plan is a much better purpose for my life than any life I could dream up.