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The Insider

Every week we have an office wide-small group bible study on Wednesday mornings. We are going through a study called "The Insider" by Jim Petersen and Mike Shamy and it is talking about how each and every one of us has a network of relationships in our lives - whether that's family, friends, community, culture - that we are uniquely positioned to share the gospel with but in a natural and authentic way. It's an idea that each of us are in specific places based off our individual passions, work places, and family lineages that allow us to spread the Good News to groups and people that other's cannot.

I used to be very turned off by the idea of evangelism. Probably because the 'evangelism' I knew, was frankly bad evangelism- the 'shoving-the-bible-down-your-throat' kind. And while the connotation of the word 'evangelism' still brings back bitter memories and feelings, there's an undeniable call and command as a Christian to participate in it (and a much better way to do it).

I would highly recommend the study. It has given me a lot more confidence and tools to help show Christ to others in a strategic and authentic way. We are key people to move the Gospel into our families, workplaces, or other social settings and it starts with love, compassion, and understanding. We have a mission field right in front of our eyes and we don't need to go anywhere or join any kind of program to show Christ's love, truth, and compassion to those around us.

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