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Kataka Arts

Before I left the US, I had a coaching friend send me an Instagram video about this group called Kataka Arts and told me to look them up if I was anywhere close. Luckily enough I was close enough and got to meet Derrick and the whole Kataka Arts crew last Fall.

Kataka Arts is a group based out of the Katwe neighborhood and provides gymnastic and acrobatic training to a group of about 50 children in the area. Most of the children in the group are orphans or children whose families have little means to support them.

The group is lead by Derrick Bizimulu and is supported by Fazio Lugolobi (Team Coordinator), Abdul Rahman (Boys Junior Coordinator), Rema Nakamatte (Program Coordinator) and a team of others who have com alongside them to care for, support, and help raise these children.

"Kataka" is a Luganda word that comes from "Etaka" which means soil/ground. The children practice on a soft dirt field in the middle of the neighborhood so the locals started calling them Kataka. The kids train almost every day - the younger kids having one training session per day and the older kids training twice a day.

Between the training sessions the coaches prepare a home-cooked meal for the kids since most of them do not have the opportunity to eat at home. They open their homes for the kids to come in a relax a bit, fill their bellies, and share some laughs before heading out for the evening session.

With the community and family environment that Kataka creates for the kids, it helps keep the kids off the street and provides structure and purpose for them to keep striving for constructive goals.

It's been really fun to work with Kataka and see that the group is about something so much bigger than the sport of gymnastics. Right now Kataka Arts is raising money to cover food and school fees for the children. I will have a new page (and post) soon with more information on how to donate and get involved if anyone is interested!

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