As we wrap up T1-2023 it feels oddly similar to end of T3-2022. I have quite a few large and looming deadlines to finish. There's celebration and a bit of sadness as we send off those leaving after this term. And I am again getting ready to travel internationally to spend some time with family.
We had a graduation party for one of the interns who finished classes last May (2022) but he didn't get his diploma or have his graduation until April (...of 2023!). The school kept pushing back their graduation ceremony for almost 11 months but now he can start applying for [paying]jobs and building his career. We had taco Tuesday (with some HEB queso my parents brought over!) and cake to celebrate.
We celebrated birthdays (with cake) and sent the interns off with affirmations on their last day in the office.

And made a few airport runs to send off the T1 interns with a bang. We have quite a large group staying over this term (two interns and four fellows) so it won't be lonely between terms like in December.
