The EMI-Uganda office celebrated it's 20th anniversary this May! It is such a huge milestone for the office and we had a blast getting to celebrate it the whole last week of May as we wrapped up T1.

Throughout the week we had a series of guest speakers during our morning devotions who were the pioneers of the EMI Uganda office. They talked about God's faithfulness through the struggles, joys, and challenges in the early days of EMI-Uganda and inspired us all to look ahead with such hope and joy as we reflect back on God's providence and blessing the last 20 years.
We had a cultural dress day where we came to work dressed to represent our home cultures (...yep...I wore an Texas A&M shirt ha!), we prayed over the EMI-Uganda Board members, and shared a great barbecue lunch together. The celebration was a huge success and it was really cool to look back over the last 20 years and see a bit of the larger picture God is painting here in Uganda and East Africa.

To God be the Glory!