Engineering Ministries International (EMI) is a network of Christian design professionals who develop people, design structures, and construct facilities which serve communities and the Church. Our vision is to see people restored by God and the world restored through design.
EMI exists to transform lives by providing hope to poorest of the poor.
We are a Christian ministry that designs facilities that serve the poor in developing countries. These facilities (including hospitals, orphanages, schools, clean water projects and more) directly impact communities by meeting physical needs and communicating God’s love in a practical way. We partner with Christian workers, pastors, and other non-profits who have a vision to help the poor and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fall 2022 Projects
This fall I will predominately be working on three different ongoing EMI projects;
The first project I will be working on is the construction engineering work for the Empower International Academy. This phase of construction consists of the dormitory blocks and cafeteria building. I will be attending biweekly meetings on site and will be providing the EMI construction team direction on any design questions they have.
The second project is with the GEM Foundation. This term we will be working on the storage buildings, outdoor spaces, and playground design. We will also be working with the EMI Research and Development department to design and install solar panels on the site.
The third major project is on the Amazima School campus which EMI has been working on for the last 8 years. This term we will continue to work on the design and construction of the science lab, administration building, and health center on the campus. All teams within EMI (architectural, civil, structural, construction, surveying, and the workshop fabrication crew) will collaborate on the design of these buildings and construction.

Spring/ Summer 2023 Projects
Construction has begun on Phase 2 of Empower International Academy that I did the full detailed design on last Fall. I attend biweekly meeting on site and have been working closely with EMI's site engineer and project managers to answer questions, evaluate the quality of work, and brainstorm solutions for issues found in the field.
This January I went on a project trip with six other EMI volunteers to perform a facility assessment for Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya. My scope of work this trip was to locate and asses the storm water infrastructure and roadway conditions and provide feedback for immediate and future improvements.
The third major project was also a project trip lead by the EMI - South Africa office to Gutu Mission Hospital in Gutu, Zimbabwe for a facilities assessment and conceptual design. My role on this project was to analyze and document existing conditions for water, wastewater, storm water drainage, and solid waste disposal infrastructure on site. We performed water quality and pressure tests on the existing water systems and percolation and soil tests on the hospital site.
There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.
To support EMI financially
If you feel called to contribute financially to support eMi's mission, please see the link below to donate:
Donations to eMi are tax deductible as EMI USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in Colorado, USA.
We invite you to join us in our work of prayer by being part of EMI’s prayer support team. Each month, we fill a calendar with a few of the prayer requests shared by each of EMI’s teams and send it out:
To support EMI through prayer